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Yonsei University Mirae Campus, Vietnam Central Region Physical Therapy Education Competency Reinforcement Project Performance Report Meeting

Yonsei University's Mirae Campus and Medipeace held a final performance report meeting in Dongha, Quang-Tri Province, central Vietnam as one of the KOICA ODA projects.Through the briefing session, the project was successfully completed by reporting the achievements of the past three years, including the development of local instructor competency enhancement programs the maintenance education of community rehabilitation therapists and rehabilitation equipment support and operation training.For three years during the project, professors of physical therapy at Yonsei University's Mirae Campus visited Quangzi Health School for six weeks every year to provide physical therapy-related education for educate local instructors. Yonsei University professors established the foundation for continuing to train rehabilitation professionals recognized by Vietnam's health law in Quangzi Province itself, and presented essential hardware and software packages to help rehabilitation services reach local residents through the existing Vietnamese medical security system contributing to SDGs 4.5 and 4.7.

University-social enterprise WIN-WIN Program: uSEE

Yonsei University School of Business has opened a lecture called "Social Contribution Project, uSEE" since 2015 to create a venue for co-prosperity between college students and local communities.Through the lecture, which was created in cooperation with Yonsei University's Business School, Seoul Metropolitan Self-Support Center, and Seodaemun-gu Social Economy Support Center, companies are provided with fresh ideas about marketing from students, and students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they learned only in class in practice. The appearance of students dividing their own B2B (Business-to-Consumer Transaction) teams, setting up various management strategies, and actively proposing ideas stimulated company employees, and contributed greatly to remaining as good data for future corporate operations.This class, including the advantage of being able to apply theory to practice in social enterprises, can have a very good experience as a university student fostering SDG 4.4.

Knowledge sharing platform "LearnUs", grand opening for the general public

LearnUs, short for Learning Ubiquitous square, is an open knowledge channel to anyone, anytime, anywhere, as it means "learning square that exists everywhere." It aims to contribute to bridging the educational gap between the underprivileged and the local community by adding empathy and familiarity to expertise and reliability as the first online education platform to be opened to the general public. Yonsei university has supported the smooth operation of non-face-to-face classes by upgrading its existing server-based teaching and learning support system to a cloud-based innovative digital education platform earlier this year in response to rapid changes in educational media and paradigms accelerated by the 4th industrial revolution and prolonged COVID-19. Now, it is possible to share and experience high-quality knowledge and information created and verified by Yonsei University anytime, anywhere.There are a total of four courses offered by LearnUs: 'Professional Course', 'Open Course', 'International Course', and 'Degree Course'. LearnUs will continue to update high-quality content by reflecting social trends, demands, and learners' opinions. Yonsei University is expected to fully communicate with education consumers around the world and solidify its position once again as a pioneer in the global education market and the best private school leading higher education in Korea achieving SDG 4.5.

로고 및 저작권 영역

  • 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 아펜젤러관 301호         
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