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[Student Workstations] Your Lib
Helping marriage migrant women become socially independent.


[Student Workstations] WAY

Solving the absence of a female pipeline: Where are our female leaders?



Professor Kang Mi-Youn

Yonsei University Workstation Team ‘Love ACTually’
The ‘Love ACTually’ team aims to study sex education necessary for society that young people think of and present a future sex education platform through various projects such as cooperation with companies, eco-friendly sanitary napkins reviews, and correct sex education textbooks. The team will not stop making new attempts to realize open education contributing to the achievement of SDG 5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation and strives to eliminate harmful practices and establish proper gender values.
Institute of Continuing Education for the Future Center operates the 3rd "Female Chief Executive Officer Course (AMP)" for female businessmen
The 3rd "Women's Chief Executive Officer (AMP)" course is co-hosted by Yonsei University's Institute of Continuing Education for the Future and the Korean Women's Business Association and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and is designed for Korean female leaders. It aims to provide the nation's best Advanced Management Program (AMP) program for high-quality female opinion leaders by reflecting the educational needs of female CEOs and female executives.Special lecture programs tailored to female businessmen encompass the areas of management, marketing, and financial accounting. From marketing special lectures to leadership, future management, business, and financial accounting, special lectures are prepared in various areas prepared by leading instructors.As it contributes to the achievement of SDG 5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life and is a specialized course for female leaders and the nation's best AMP education program, it provides a place to strengthen the capabilities of female leaders through various special lectures.

로고 및 저작권 영역

  • 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 아펜젤러관 301호         
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