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Yonsei University conducted an agreement with KOICA to the response of developing countries’ COVID-19.

Yonsei University Medical School has signed a "COVID-19 Information Hub Project MOU" with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to overcome the COVID-19 crisis and realize sustainable development goals, global social values. This MOU focuses on strengthening the capabilities of developing countries that experience great difficulties due to the lack of health care personnel, resources, and information necessary for respond to COVID-19. KOICA recently opened an information hub website (covid19.koica.go.kr) that provides comprehensive data related to COVID-19. KOICA will produce 20 FAQ series videos focusing on A-alternative test plans if large-scale Korean tests and treatments are not applied to developing countries and international development cooperation to prepare for post-COVID-19. The Yonsei Medical School, which said it would make the most of its resources to help across borders, said it hopes to contribute to the SDG 3.3 and further open new possibilities.

Yonsei University Dental Hospital provides English guidelines responding to COVID-19 to overseas universities

Since many overseas universities that have disrupted hospital operations requested English guidelines due to the spread of COVID-19, Yonsei University Dental Hospital produced and provided an English version of the guidelines for responding to each process from patient reservations to treatment and treatment.The 10-page guidelines include a patient screening system that selects suspected COVID-19 patients in three stages, including reservation, access, and reception, patient treatment protocols such as wearing personal protective equipment and disinfection of treatment spaces, and major responses conducted by hospitals to protect facilities and staff infection control. Strengthened the capacity of all countries, in partical developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health by helping various institutions with common tasks for safe treatment.


[QS HW2] On-Campus or Local Health and Well-Being Services

★ Healthy and affordable food choices on campus
Cafeterias at Yonsei University provide a wide range of affordable food choices and vegetarian/vegan-friendly options. Information on food allergy is available in all cafeterias.

Menu in Yonsei Cafeteria (Matnasaem)
▲ Menu in Yonsei University cafeteria with vegan options

Food allergy information/disclaimer
▲ Food allergy information

Yonsei University provides students with affordable breakfast to students (천원의 아침밥). Click here and here ("Yonsei University nominated as an outstanding case of providing affordable breakfast to students") to view the articles on this project.

★ Physical, sexual/reproductive healthcare services
Healthcare centers are located in Student Union Building (Sinchon Campus) and Vision Hall (International Campus). Healthcare centers provide 1:1 health counseling (domestic and international students) and vaccination services (influenza, cervical cancer, etc.). Campus healthcare centers serve as a link between faculty/staff/students and local medical institutions, including general hospitals.

  1. Healthcare center in Sinchon Campus (click) 
  2. Healthcare center in International Campus (click)
  3. Lounges for female students (click)

★ Mental health support
Counseling Center at Yonsei University provides psychological testing and counseling to support students who are experiencing challenges in college life, personal issues, and career choices. The Center offers various programs such as

  • psychological education
  • workshops
  • psychodrama, etc.

to improve self-awareness and facilitate personal development.
These services are open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and are tailored to each applicant’s circumstances. Able Center (a dedicated department to support students with disabilities, 장애학생지원센터) and Center for Gender Equality (성평등센터) jointly organize mental health support programs depending on circumstances.

  1. Introduction to Counseling Center (click)
  2. Individual and collective counseling, psychological education, workshops, etc. (click)

로고 및 저작권 영역

  • 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 아펜젤러관 301호         
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