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[THE Impact Rankings] 6.2.1 Water Consumption Tracking

At Yonsei University, the Office of Facilities diligently monitors water consumption across the entire campus. In the past year (2023), our Sinchon Campus utilized a total of 793,092 liters of water. This active tracking and consistent monitoring of water usage align with Yonsei University's commitment to contributing to THE Impact Rankings metric number 6.2.1, supporting our dedication to responsible water management.

▶ Sinchon Campus

 ▶ International Campus

[THE Impact Rankings] 6.3.1 Waste Water Treatment, 6.3.2 Preventing Water System Pollution

Office of Facilities at Sinchon Campus and General Administration at International Campus respectively operate waste water treatment facilities. 

News on construction of waste water treatment facilities at Sinchon Campus (click)

Following are the photos of the facailities in both campus. Yonsei University is dedicated to staunchly preventing water system pollution by thoroughly managing the facilities (waste water, treated water) every month. 

▶ Sinchon Campus
Waste water treatment facilities (Yonsei University Sinchon Campus)

▶ International Campus
Waste water treatment facilities (Yonsei University International Campus)

[THE Impact Rankings] 6.3.3 Free Drinking Water Provided

At Yonsei University, we have installed free drinking water fountains across campus, ensuring easy access for all members of our community. These fountains are regularly maintained and undergo routine water quality tests. Our commitment to maintaining the filters guarantees a safe and convenient environment, ensuring that everyone has access to clean and safe drinking water facilities.

Please refer to the following links for detailed information on water fountain facilities in campus.

List of water purifiers on campus and filter replacement records (2023, click)

Following are the photos of water fountains and purifiers across the campus. They are all carefully managed and installed in public spaces.

Water purifier in Yonsei University (Appenzeller Hall)  (Appenzeller Hall)

Water fountain in Student Union Building (Student Union Building)

Water fountain in 1,4 Engineering Hall (Engineering Hall 1, 4)


[THE Impact Rankings] 6.3.4 Water-Conscious Building Standards, 11.4.8 Planning Development: New Build Standards

Yonsei University is dedicated to sustainable building practices that prioritize water conservation. Our commitment to water-conscious building standards is evident in our adherence to rigorous criteria and evidence-based standards. We ensure that our construction and maintenance practices align with eco-friendly guidelines to minimize water usage. The criteria below serve as evidence of our dedication to employing sustainable building methods, promoting water conservation, and contributing to a greener, more environmentally responsible campus.

Water consciuos building standards

Biosystems Research Center is under construction on the site between Science Research Center and Advanced Science & Technology Center and is expected to be completed in 2024. Before breaking ground on the Center, Yonsei University conducted various assessments considering vehicle traffic, pedestrian safety, and environmental issues, achieving the highest grade in Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design (G-SEED). After the completion of Baekyangnuri (The Commons), Yonsei University has been at the forefront of environmentally friendly construction by comprehensively considering various environmental factors, including conscious water usage, in the construction of new facilities.

[THE Impact Rankings] 6.3.5 Water Conscious Planting

Yonsei University's commitment to water-conscious planting underscores our focus on sustainable landscaping practices. We prioritize the use of drought-tolerant tree species to reduce water consumption across our campus. The information provided below about drought-tolerant tree species serves as evidence of our dedication to fostering a greener and more water-efficient environment. Our deliberate selection and implementation of these species align with our mission to promote sustainable practices and minimize water usage in our landscaping efforts. 


[THE Impact Rankings] 6.4.2 Water Reuse Management, 6.5.4 Sustainable Water Extraction on Campus

Yonsei University is dedicated to water conservation through our water reuse policy. Our commitment is demonstrated through stringent adherence to relevant laws and regulations.

Our records on water reuse, including the collection of precipitation (rain) and the treatment of water, illustrate our proactive measures towards sustainability. These practices highlight our focus on maximizing the use of reclaimed water, promoting a responsible approach to resource conservation.

Our institution stands by the mission to implement eco-friendly strategies, such as water reuse, aligning with our vision for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious campus.

▶ Sinchon Campus

▶ International Campus


[THE Impact Rankings] 6.5.1 Water Management Educational Opportunities, 6.5.6 Promoting Conscious Water Usage on campus, 6.5.7 Promoting Conscious Water Usage in the community

Yonsei University promotes conscious water usage campaign all around the campus' toilets through producing and distrobuting the "Save the Water" stickers. This program is also still on-going in 2023.

The campaign encourages Yonsei University community to use water more consciously and cautiously.

▶ Water-use minimizing toilet

Water use minimizing toilet

▶ "Save the water" stickers distributed around the campus toilets

▶ On- and off-campus campaigns for conscious water usage

Also, please click below to check out the lecture open to everyone on conscious water usage.



[QS GG6] Campus-wide Water Consumption

In 2023 (academic year*), 793,092m3 of water has consumbed campus-wide.


* Academic year: March 2023 - February 2024


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