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University Measures towards Affordable Clean Energy Upgrade Existing Buildings
Under the Yonsei University-Seodaemun-gu Business Agreement, a total of 279,215,000 KRW, including retirement and educational environment improvement costs, was spent on replacing LED lighting equipment in the central library for energy saving and efficiency industries. Yonsei University reduced the annual electricity consumption by 324,340 kWh by replacing 3,820 LED lighting equipment, and the annual savings were 38,920,000 KRW. This is an action related to SDG 7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy at Yonsei University's facilities.
Assistance to Low-carbon Innovation
Yonsei Enterprise Support Foundation supports start-up businesses using various in-school resources and human resource pools. It contributes to SDG 7.4.5 by assisting companies that contribute to low-carbon innovation, as shown in the table below.
Energy Wastage Identification
Yonsei University established a water treatment plant to prevent contaminated water from entering the water system, providing wastewater treatment facilities on campus.To prevent water system pollution, Yonsei University contributes to achieve SDG 6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.
Carbon Reduction and Emissions Reduction Process
Yonsei University made a new investment for energy efficiency, and through this, it reduced energy emissions by 2.4t CO2, and 554,000 KRW through the installation of LED lighting equipment. This contributes to university measure towers affordable clean energy process carbon management and is related to SDG 7.3.
Plan to Reduce Energy Consumption
Yonsei University has joined in saving energy consumption to comply with the proper heating temperature of buildings. By maintaining the indoor temperature of the buildings below 20 degrees from December 2020 to March 2021, energy consumption in buildings that consume a lot of energy was reduced. This is associated with SDG 7.2.4, and Yonsei University also adopted the university measures towards an affordable clean energy efficiency plan to achieve a sustainable and clean energy efficiency society.


[QS GG6] Campus-wide Energy Consumption

In 2023 (academic year*), 80,670,328kWh of energy has consumed campus-wide.


* Academic year: March 2023 - February 2024.

Click more below to view the full chart of energy consumption in Yonsei campus.


로고 및 저작권 영역

  • 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 아펜젤러관 301호         
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