Yonsei University Health System signed an MOU with Harim corporation which mainly deals with building development in order to engage cooperation in medical overseas expansion, which aims to contribute to the development of the medical base in low-income countries (SDG 10.2). Hanim has been seeking ways to make a foray overseas to build a hospital for those countries following the will of Chairman Jeon Young-han, who has been engaged in social contribution activities based on the Christian spirit for many years, and Yonsei Health System has provided advice. With the signing of this MOU, the two organizations plan to jointly carry out a business feasibility study on how to establish Cambodia Cancer Hospital and comprehensive cooperative activities to devise an overall overseas expansion roadmap.
★ As an institution which is against all kinds of discrimination, Yonsei University manages Head of Ethical Management (Human Rights Center, Counseling Center, etc.) directly under the President of Yonsei University. Members of Yonsei community (faculty, staff, students) can
and moreover make administrative decisions (penlaties, castigation).
Yonsei strictly prohibits from taking pentalties based on one's race, religion, age, nationality, sex/gender, sexual orientation, etc. This principle is specified in the rules/regulations (윤리기본규정, click) of Yonsei University.
Click here (pages 24-27) and here to check out Yonsei University's commitment towards a better society and protection of human rights (pages 24-27).
★ Able Center (click) at Yonsei University is a department dedicated to supporting students with disabilities. The Center provides students with:
and more. Please visit the link above to view the entire policies/services for students with disabilities.
Able Center Yonsei University also opens lectures to improve awareness on disability in annual basis. Students, researchers(professors), and staff can access these courses online.
★ At an institutional level, Yonsei University provides courses on social sustainability to faculty staff as well as students. These courses are open to everyone, free of charge.
Especially, IGEE Yonsei has been releasing all sessions from Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (GEEF) via LearnUs (click, online education platform run by Yonsei University) and the official YouTube Channel. IGEE aims this wide range of discourses to be promoted and circulated within the public, which thus can raise and maintain awareness ofsustainability.
* Full videos from GEEF 2024 to be uploaded
★ Yonsei University's Commitment to Human Rights
Founded on the spirit of pursuing truth and freedom, Yonsei University firmly opposes all forms of discrimination and strives to create a society where everyone is treated equally regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, language, race, or political backgrounds.
As an example, Yonsei University offers various human rights courses, including "The Spirit of Yonsei and Human Rights," and some of these courses are freely available on LearnUs (click).
▶ Click more at the bottom to explore the courses relevant to human rights.
▶ Yonsei's commitment towards sustainability (click, please refer to pages 24-29).
★ IGEE also runs courses focusing on sustainability and ESG at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels:
▶ Understanding Sustainable Development with BKM (Undergraduate)
▶ Understanding Sustainable Development (Postgraduate)
these courses are open to all students, regardless of majors.
★ Institute for Higher Education Innovation (IHEI) at Yonsei University has been funding student-led problem-solving projects since 2018. Following are the teams which tackle refugee isssues:
Click more below to view the details on the education achieving social sustainability.
Mentioned above, Able Center is an administrative department which provides customized services for members of Yonsei community with disabilities.
★ Mobility support
The Center provides vehicles designed for people using wheelchairs and discounts parking fees for people with disabilities.
★ Facilities management and campus-wide support
Able Center opens information on wheelchair accessibility of campus facilities and manages tactual maps for the visioin-impaired. The Center also helps people with disabilities to access libraries easily.
▲ Tactual maps in front of Central Library at Yonsei University
There are designated lounges and research/reading rooms for students with disabilities:
★ Click here to view the barrier-free maps for Yonsei Campus.
★ Academic support
Following are the policies to support students with disabilities.
Besides these policies above, there are scholarships, career development support, counselling services and more for Yonsei community with disabilities.
★ On-campus accommodation for students with disabilities
Able Center supports students with disabilities by prioritizing their access to campus dormitories. There are 19 rooms and 26 rooms secured in Sinchon and International Campus respectively.
Click more below to explore Yonsei University's policies in more detail which is designed to meet students' needs.
Head of Ethical Management is an organization directly under the President of Yonsei University, and consists of five centers under its umbrella:
★ Among these five centers above, Human Rights Center is dedicated to
Click the following link to explore Yonsei University’s commitment to securing human rights on campus: Rules/Regulations on Head of Ethical Management (click)
★ Basic Code of Ethics (윤리기본규정, click) stipulates that members of Yonsei University shall conduct research, education, and duties in an ethical manner, refrain from seeking unfair advantages, and explicitly prohibit the improper use of information/resources.
★ Also, Rules on Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment (성폭력 예방 및 처리에 관한 규정, click)
cf. Rules on Human Rights Center (인권센터 규정, click)