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[Student Workstations] Dain

Environmental education and culture program


[Student Workstations] Seulbi

Encourage eco-friendly lifestyles


[Student Workstations] En.foret
Producing a vegan shopping platform


[Lectures for All (LearnUs] Green Jobs to tackle Economic & Climate Crisis
Professor Taedong Lee


[Lectures for All (LearnUs] Understanding Climate Change
Professor Soon-Il An
Theological Forum on Climate Crisis was launched
More than 20 Protestant universities, organizations, and churches in Korea held the launching ceremony of the "Climate Crisis Christian Theology Forum", which aims to present a forward-looking shift in perception and alternatives to cope with global changes and disaster situations that climate change will bring in the future. Yonsei University United Graduate School of Theology, as one of the participants, recognized that the recent signs of climate change have appeared in various and frequent ways. Also, it will encourage interdisciplinary convergence research that could help related policies to be prepared quickly, which will help contribute to SDG 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning.
Student Workstation MATE providing education on envrionment
In 2020, Student Workstation MATE funded by the Institute for Higher Education Innovation (IHEI), pursues taking a step further in solving environmental problems and to practice them directly through providing the younger generation with the proper and systematic education. The team has composed environmental education class materials which are suitable for children's perspective. In addition, an "education booklet" that allows you to review and an "environmental diary" that helps record what children have practiced for the environment and make sustainable education on the environment available. The MATE’s activity greatly contributed to the SDG 13. Climate Action.


[SDG Video Contest – SDG? It’s IGEE(Easy)!] SDG Arcade

“SDG? It’s IGEE(Easy)” is a video contest where Yonseians can share their own way of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

#Sustainable_Development_Goals #Zero_Waste #Practice #Quiz

"SDG Arcade" takes an idea from the content that is currently airing and finds out how to achieve SDG in daily life through quizzes. Quizzes are mainly about SDG in general and zero-waste.

▼ Click ‘more’ to view the full video.


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