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Yonsei University Kim Dae-Jung Presidential Library and Museum holds special forum for Democratic Human Rights Peace

Yonsei University’s Kim Dae-Jung Presidential Library and Museum (Executive Director Park Myung-rim) held the 2020 Kim Dae Jung Democratic Human Rights Peace Forum under the theme of 5.18 and Kim Dae Jung: Democracy, Human Rights, Peace, and Reconciliation.The special conversation between Prof. Michal Sandel of Harvard University - Prof. Park Myungri, Executive Director of Yonsei University Kim Dae-Jung Presidential Library and Museum was conducted for discussing the values of democracy, human rights, and peace, which contributed to achieving SDG 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

The ‘2020 International Symposium on Sustainable Peace on the Korean Peninsula’ held by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Yonsei University

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Yonsei University held the 2020 International Symposium on Sustainable Peace on the Korean Peninsula. Speakers at the symposium include Moon Jeong-in, a Special Advisor to President Moon Jae-in for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Jeong Se-hyeon, senior vice chairman of the Advisory Board for Democratic, Peace, and Unification, former US State Department special envoy for North Korea's nuclear program Robert Gallucci, former Unification Minister Lee Jong-seok, and Harry Kazianis, director of the Korean affairs department at the American Center for the National Interest (SDG 16.a Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels to prevent violence). This event, which is divided into five divisions, is '2020OPERATIONS US Presidential Election and the Korean Peninsula', 'Peacemaking on the Korean Peninsula: A Study on the Inter-Korean Summit', and 'Denuclearization and Peacemaking on the Korean Peninsula: Parallel Solutions and Sequential Solutions'. , 'K-Culture, Peace on the Korean Peninsula, and Korea's Image in the World', and 'North Korea Issue and Peace on the Korean Peninsula' was broadcasted live on the official website in consideration of the COVID-19 situation.


[QS GG5] Yonsei University Student Unions (Undergraduate, Postgraduate)

Yonsei University recognizes Student Union Bodies (for both Undergraduate and postgraduate)and follows their election processes as below by following the regulations :

1. Undergraduate
- Student Council and Student Group Management Regulations: Article 1 (Purpose)

2. Postgraduate
- Election Management Enforcement Regulations
: https://ysgsa.yonsei.ac.kr/download

3. Student body with wider Partnership

AIESEC in Yonsei University

[QS GG1] Internal Reporting Procedure for Ethics

The core of the Internal Reporting is protecting the confidentiality of internal whistleblower.

Please refer to the following procedures when all Yonsei student and faculty members would like to report for ethics issues:

Counseling → Report →Report received  → Investigation of related persons  → Decision (Center or Committee)

E-mail: clean@yonsei.ac.kr

☞Press 'More' for further information



[QS GG6, GG7] Governing Body with Student Representation, Sharing Decisions Taken in Annual General Meeting to the Public

University Advisory Committee (대학평의원회) is a body founded to deliberate or provide advice on major educational matters, which was established according to Private Schools Act (사립학교법) and Article 10-6 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.

Members of the Committee are the following:

  1. Faculty
  2. Staff
  3. Students
  4. Teaching and/or research assistant
  5. Alumni
  6. Parents of students
  7. People outside Yonsei who can contribute to the university development

Click more at the bottom to view the detailed information about the Committee.

Tuition Fee Review Committee (등록금심의위원회) is a university-level committee which reviews general matters in determining tuition. Members the Committee are comprised of

  1. faculty/staff (5 persons) recommended by Vice President of University Planning and Development (Sinchon and Mirae Campus), General Administrative Manager at Yonsei University Educational Foundation
  2. students (5 persons) recommended by Vice President for Student Affairs and Services
  3. a professional (1 person) outside Yonsei Univerisyt who has expertise in finance and budgetary matters
  4. a chairperson (1 person)

and these members are appointed by the President of Yonsei University.

Click here to view the full text of Rules/Regulations on Tuition Fee Review Committee, and here to check out the minutes of the Committee.


[QS GG1, GG7] Facilitation of a Holistic Ethical Organizational Culture, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Ethics Center (윤리센터) is a body under Head of Ethical Management at Yonsei University. Head of Ethical Management is a department which is directly under the President of Yonsei University and oversees cases related to ethical issues.

The Center is responsible for

  1. education on ethics and
  2. providing counseling and protection for people who reported ethics violation cases.

These aforementioned principles are stipulated in Rules/Regulations on Ethics Center (윤리센터 규정, click).
* Rules revised in September, 2023

Members of Yonsei community can report cases which violated ethical principles (including bribery) through the website of Ethics Center.

[QS GG5] Student Unions in Yonsei University (Undergraduate, Postgraduate)

Yonsei University recognizes student union bodies both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Click here to view the full texts on Rules on Managing Student Council and Student Groups (학생회 및 학생단체 운영에 관한 규정), which delineate management and election of these bodies. These student councils are operated based on their own principles titled “Student Council Constitution (총학생회칙).”

Banner for General Student Council Election (2023)

Banner for General Student Council Election Candidates (2023)

Following are the projects run by student bodies at Yonsei University.

Undergraduate: Instagram account of General Student Council at Yonsei University (click)

  1. Social media account for students
  2. Production of supplementary materials for freshmen and introduction of scholarship programs for postgraduate students (click)
[QS GG4] Publication of Annual Financial Reports

Yonsei University publishes financial reports in annual basis and releases this information to the official website (click).

Click here to view the report from 2022 (academic year) which was completed in May 2023.

[QS GG] Committee(s) Dedicated to Sustainability

Institute for Global Engagement and Empwoerment (IGEE) at Yonsei Univeristy is an organization dedicated to implementing and supervising programs/activities on sustainable development. Members of Operations Committee of IGEE consist of

  • Chair and Vice-Chair of IGEE
  • Vice President of University Planning and Development (Sinchon Campus, Yonsei University Health System)
  • Director of Yonsei Institute for Global Health
  • Vice President for External Affairs and Development
  • Professors from relevant fields and sustainability (medicine and nursing, international studies, business, civil environmental engineering, etc.)

The Committee reviews general administrative matters and campus-wide education/programs on sustainability organized by IGEE.

★ IGEE Yonsei hosts an annual international forum on sustainability titled Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (GEEF) with Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future and Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens.

Organizing Committee for GEEF plays a pivotal role in organizing the Forum which covers a wide range of discourses (education, international relations, social enterprises, ODA, etc.) on sustainability.

Members of the Committee include:

  • President of Yonsei University (Chair)
  • Chairman of IGEE (Vice Chair)
  • Provost, Chancellor, Senior Vice Presidents (Members of the executive committee)

Click here to view the full list of members from page 210 of GEEF 2023 Report.
* GEEF 2024 Report expected to be published in May 2024

★ IGEE Yonsei runs courses on sustainability both at undergraduate and graduate level. These courses are collectively designed and managed by professors/researchers called SD Fellows at Yonsei University. Please visit here to explore who SD Fellows are.

[QS KE2] Outreach Projects for the Local Community

Institute for Higher Education Innovation (IHEI) at Yonsei University has been publishing a biennial report on social engagement activities by the Yonsei Community (faculty, staff, and students) titled "연세나눔백서." This Report includes

2022-2023 연세나눔백서

  1. an overview of courses on student volunteer activities
  2. donations by faculty and staff
  3. volunteer programs and campaigns

Click here to view the Report published in 2022 (activities in 2020-2021) and here to check out the latest version (activities in 2022-2023).

 Following are the community outreach projects by Yonsei University.

  1. Dream Start Plus (Managed by IHEI Yonsei)
    Undergraduate students from Yonsei University provide tutoring, ethical education, career workshops, etc. to mentees from Seodaemun-gu with support from Seodaemun-gu Office.

  2. Social Engagement Fund (SEF)
    Institute for Global Engagement and Empowerment (IGEE) at Yonsei University encourages students to define which Sustainable Development Goals to deal with, design their own research models, and conduct the research. Students tackle domestic and international issues. Among 9 research projects conducted in 2023, 4 of them focused on issues within local communities.
    Click here to view the entire SEF projects in 2023.

  3. Programs provided by the Institution of Continuing Education for the Future at Yonsei University
    Institution of Continuing Education for the Future provides a wide range of lifetime education programs to everyone, including career development, counseling courses, and leisure activities.

 Click more below to explore the details of community engagement programs organized by Yonsei University.


로고 및 저작권 영역

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