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[News] Yonsei Institute for Global Health Supporting Medical and Nursing Education to Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
등록일 : 2024-07-24  |  조회수 : 13,975

Yonsei Institute for Global Health, which is under IGEE Yonsei, has been conducting various projects to enhance its capabilities in the fields of medicine and nursing at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in Uzbekistan.

  1. Workshop on Reforming Medical Education Curriculum: Development of practical lesson plans for medical education
  2. Launch Workshop for Research Support Team: Transfer of diverse know-how by YUHS (Yonsei University Health System) to enhance research capabilities by establishing a professional research system
  3. Workshop on Strengthening Nursing Competencies: Introduction of clinical nursing practice education models, discussion on establishing a clinical practice system through industry-academia cooperation, and conducting nursing practice education

You can view the original article by clicking the image below, which will take you to the YUHS news page.

타슈켄트소아의과대학 의학, 간호학 역량 강화 지원 사업

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