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[News] The 9th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education (Registration open until August 31)
등록일 : 2024-08-22  |  조회수 : 16,832

The 9th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education aims to reflect on the role of GCED as a multilateral solution to the complex issues occurring across the globe.

Participants will not only share methodologies and real-world examples of GCED that promote cooperation on solidarity but also explore the potential and possibilities of strengthening international cooperation and creating a more peaceful and sustainable society through GCED

★ Date: 4-5 September, 2024
★ Venue: JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul, Republic of Korea
★ Co-organized by APCEIU, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
★ In partnership with UNESCO, Chungnam National University BK21 Four Center for GCER

If you would like to participate in this event or view more details, please use the three links below.

▶ Registration for on-site participation (click)
▶ Registration for online participation (Keynotes, Zoom) (click)
▶ The IConGCED Website  (click)


제9회 세계시민교육 국제회의 - 세계시민교육으로 그려보는 다자주의 회복과 평화 (등록 마감: ~8/31)

로고 및 저작권 영역

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